Our Baptism Policy
We believe that Baptism marks an important step in Christian commitment and so it is right that those to be baptised (or their parents in the case of a child,) should have a proper understanding of the meaning of Holy Baptism. One of our priests usually invite families to a very simple one-off Baptism Preparation session offered from time to time so that several couples can meet together to go through the understanding process.
It is our responsibility as a Christian Church to encourage all seekers of Baptism to carefully consider and understand the implications of the step they are taking, and we do this by providing informal preparation, teaching, support and encouragement concerning the Christian faith.
The Church’s Responsibility:
To welcome and encourage enquiries about Baptism and to provide proper and helpful preparation for Baptism:
We believe that by discussing the meaning of Baptism – with particular emphasis on personal faith in Jesus, and the role of the Church in nurturing that faith this will help you to decide whether this is a step you want to take. We also believe that it is our duty to go on providing encouragement and support to those who have been baptised in order that they may continue to grow in the Christian faith and commitment to the Church.
Baptisms are offered during or after the main Sunday morning service.
Your Responsibility:
Making use of the opportunities offered to talk about the meaning of Baptism, the Christian faith and the role of the Church in developing and encouraging faith in our modern world.
Carefully considering the meaning and significance of Baptism and your own personal faith in Jesus.
If you would like to take the next step, please contact Father Paul Norwood (01205 635817 or 07886276467) for further details and available dates.
Kirton Group of Parishes Parish Marriage Policy
For such a special day, you want a special place. A church is so much more than a wedding venue. God will be there with you to bless you – on the day and always.
You can talk to us about a church wedding even if you feel you are not “really” religious, if you don’t regularly go to church, whether or not you are christened, if you are concerned about budget – or a great deal of other questions.
We can talk through your day, suggest ideas, hymns, readings and adding personal touches. We will be with you throughout your planning – to help with these decisions, your rehearsal and preparing for the day itself.
All you need to know about finding your special church, a ceremony planner and a walk through the wedding service tool – can be found at www.yourchurchwedding.org. This site is to show you what happens in a Church of England wedding, step by step – and you can discuss all your needs, ideas, and get answers to your questions with us here at SS Peter & Paul Parish Church in Kirton.
So we warmly welcome all who are seeking to be married in our Church or seeking a Service of Blessing after a Civil Marriage and will seek to prepare the couple for both their Wedding Day and the lifelong marriage that is to follow in a manner which is encouraging and loving.
The practice in this Parish is that the remarriage of those who have been divorced may take place if the couple concerned are able to fulfil certain criteria laid out by the parish priest. The final decision as to whether a marriage may be conducted in one of the Churches lies with the Parish Priest. At present The Law does not permit the conducting of same-sex marriage in Church and Church law does not allow for blessings of such relationships in Churches.
Please contact Father Paul Norwood for further details and bookings.