Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are praying for those effected by the virus, and for those who are working hard to care for those who are sick. If you are feeling isolated and would like to talk to someone or would like to request prayers, then please ring 01205 723529 or 07547729017, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. If you need practical help, for instance if you are self-isolating and need shopping we will try to help. We want to look out for and support the most vulnerable members of our community in Kirton.

A Prayer

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This link gives the latest Church of England guidance:

Current information, correct as of 05/01/2021 – untill updated

SS Peter and Pauls, Kirton will remail open for communal worship and funerals, as per government and CofE guidance.

We are commited to ensuring the safety of evryone who enters our church, which is why certain restrictions and procedures have been put in place and these MUST be followed. Please read the bullet points bellow for the latest changes we have introduced.

  • It is a legal requirement for everyone to wear a mask/face covering while inside the church. We do have disposable masks available for anyone who requires one on arrival.
  • Strict 2m social distancing between households MUST be adheared to. The chairs have all been arranged to be spaced 2m apart and shouldn’t be moved. If you are attnding as a couple or as a family household, a volunteer will be happy to arrange the required number of chairs. Please do not mingle with anyone outsode of your household whilst inside the church, if you would like to talk to a fellow paritioner, please do so outside of the Lynch gate.
  • Hand sanitiser has been palced at all entrances, exits and in stratagic points throughout the church, please use them when you arrive and befor you leave, and also after handling service sheets and books.
  • Singing by the congregation is curretly prohibited. We still have hymns played during the service, but please remember not to sing along.

The guidance is constantly changing and being updated, any changes will be conveyed during the weekly services, via email, post and on Facebook. If you are unsure of anything, or would like to ask any questions, please call 07547729017.

Best wishes to you all

Simon Fletcher
Church Warden
SS Peter and Paul, Kirton.

Parish News

St Peter and St Paul, Kirton

Notices Sunday 8th March; 2nd Sunday of Lent

Reverend Sue will be saying Morning Prayer in church at 9.30 am on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and would welcome anyone able to come along. She plans to be in church until 1200 on both days each week so the church can be kept open. (Please note Reverend Sue will be away for a funeral from 10.30am on Wednesday 4th March, but the church will still be open if you wish to visit). Sue will be available to chat on those days every week if you would like to pop in, and do let her know of anyone who would like a home visit.

Our next Lent Group meeting starts at 10.30am on Thursday 12th March; this week’s theme is “Land & Plants” – join us after Eucharist which is at 9.30am.

Quiet Day at San Damiano in Metheringham “Stand and Share” led by Revd Sue Spencer 9.30am-3.30pm on 14th March – £15 suggest donation – Reverend Sue will be driving if anyone would like to come and wants a lift, please let her know.

Mothering Sunday – on 22nd March the parish Eucharist will move to 8.30am, and there will be a Family Service at 11.00am.

Church Big Clean – Please help us get our church looking even more beautiful for Holy Week and Easter – “many hands make light work” – join us at 10am on Monday 30th March.

This year’s Chrism Mass will be held at Lincoln Cathedral on Tuesday 7th April at 11am, when clergy renew their vows and the oils for baptism, confirmation and anointing the sick are blessed by the Bishop. Please let Reverend Sue know if you would like to come.

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday – Sunday April 5th – Blessing of Palms, Palm Gospel and Procession at 11:00am.

Monday 6th April Midday Prayer and meditation on at 12 Noon.

Wednesday 8th April Stations of the Cross at 12 Noon

Maundy Thursday – Thursday April 9th Mass of the Last Supper, Footwashing and Stripping of the Altar at 7:00pm followed by the Watch of Prayer at the Altar of Repose until 10:00pm.

Good Friday – Friday April 10th Solemn Liturgy of the Passion at 2:00pm

Holy Saturday – Saturday April 11th The Great Easter Vigil at 7:00pm.

Easter Day- Sunday April 12th Easter Day Family Mass at 11:00am

Upcoming Events