A Christmas message from our new Parish Priest, Father Paul.
As Christmas approaches we begin to think of our families, we long for the past where all our families would gather together around the fire exchanging presents, with snow on the ground and the sound of a choir singing carols. This of course is a romantic view of Christmas, an image that we only find on the television, on the front of Christmas cards, but there is an element of truth in it. As I have grown older my want for presents has been replaced with the want for presence of my family around me, seeing them has become of greater value.
In many ways this is the message of Christmas, God wants us his children to be present, to be with him, not just at Christmas but always. This is why God sent his only son, his very self to be with us, as one with us, so that we may know God and God may know us. God’s present to us is his very self, not just for Christmas, but for all time.
Show your love to your family as God shows his love for us, not in expensive presents but by your very presence.
Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmas.
Posted on: December 3, 2024