Church Clock Repaired
After many years the clock on Kirton Parish church tower is working again, complete with chime on the hour from 7am until 11pm.
Sadly the clock’s hour striking hammer seems to be too light and is therefore too quiet. It is being adjusted or replaced to make the hour chime louder against traffic noise.
All this thanks to a very generous gift in memory of John and Ruth Smart for many years regular members and active worshippers in our congregation. The Parish council of Kirton also contributed to this restoration project alongwith the Kirton News.

Church Clock Repaired
After many years the clock on Kirton Parish church tower is working again, complete with chime on the hour from 7am until 11pm.
Sadly the clock’s hour striking hammer seems to be too light and is therefore too quiet. It is being adjusted or replaced to make the hour chime louder against traffic noise.
All this thanks to a very generous gift in memory of John and Ruth Smart for many years regular members and active worshippers in our congregation. The Parish council of Kirton also contributed to this restoration project alongwith the Kirton News.

Posted on: Friday, the 29th of March, 2019