Weekly Newsletter
SUNDAY MAY 26th EASTER 6 Rogation Sunday
Holy Eucharist in All Saints Fosdyke at 9:30am
Parish Eucharist at 11:00am in SS Peter & Paul, Kirton.
1:30pm Messy Church at Algarkirk Village Hall for a Rogation Procession in the Churchyard with the planting of Crosses.
KIRTON PCC meet at The Vicarage on May 31st at 3:00pm. All reports for this meeting to be sent via email to Fr Paul at least one week before the meeting for distribution to the PCC.
Tomorrow is the National Pilgrimage to Walsingham. 12 noon Concelebrated Mass (Abbey Grounds); 2.30 pm Sermon (Preacher – The Most Hon & Rt Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury), Procession & Benediction (Abbey Grounds); 6.00 pm Solemn Vespers (Shrine Church)
ASCENSION DAY – MAY 30TH There will be a Sung Mass at Kirton at 9-30am. A Said Mass will be offered at Fosdyke at Noon.
June 1st Our next Baptism Preparation session takes place on June 1st at 11:00am in The Vicarage.
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEING AN ALTAR SERVER? If you feel a call to this lay ministry, then why not join us at Fosdyke Church on Saturday 15th June at 2pm for a training and fact finding session.
JUNE 19TH AT KIRTON PARISH CHURCH – safeguarding training from 6:00 -9:00pm. See Fay Baillie for full details and registration. This is a must for all PCC members and people active in our churches.
June 20th is the Feast of Corpus Christi. Special Mass and Benediction at Kirton at 9-30am. The Feast of Corpus Christi (also known as the Feast of the Body of Christ) is celebrated on the eighth Thursday after Easter. The celebration commemorates the ritual of the Eucharist and is a reflection of the Maundy Thursday observance during Holy Week.

Kirton Patronal Festival Sunday 30th June at 11:00am. On this occasion we celebrate our two patron saints St Peter and St Paul at our Sunday Eucharist followed by special food and wine afterwards.

Weekly Newsletter
SUNDAY MAY 26th EASTER 6 Rogation Sunday
Holy Eucharist in All Saints Fosdyke at 9:30am
Parish Eucharist at 11:00am in SS Peter & Paul, Kirton.
1:30pm Messy Church at Algarkirk Village Hall for a Rogation Procession in the Churchyard with the planting of Crosses.
KIRTON PCC meet at The Vicarage on May 31st at 3:00pm. All reports for this meeting to be sent via email to Fr Paul at least one week before the meeting for distribution to the PCC.
Tomorrow is the National Pilgrimage to Walsingham. 12 noon Concelebrated Mass (Abbey Grounds); 2.30 pm Sermon (Preacher – The Most Hon & Rt Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury), Procession & Benediction (Abbey Grounds); 6.00 pm Solemn Vespers (Shrine Church)
ASCENSION DAY – MAY 30TH There will be a Sung Mass at Kirton at 9-30am. A Said Mass will be offered at Fosdyke at Noon.
June 1st Our next Baptism Preparation session takes place on June 1st at 11:00am in The Vicarage.
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEING AN ALTAR SERVER? If you feel a call to this lay ministry, then why not join us at Fosdyke Church on Saturday 15th June at 2pm for a training and fact finding session.
JUNE 19TH AT KIRTON PARISH CHURCH – safeguarding training from 6:00 -9:00pm. See Fay Baillie for full details and registration. This is a must for all PCC members and people active in our churches.
June 20th is the Feast of Corpus Christi. Special Mass and Benediction at Kirton at 9-30am. The Feast of Corpus Christi (also known as the Feast of the Body of Christ) is celebrated on the eighth Thursday after Easter. The celebration commemorates the ritual of the Eucharist and is a reflection of the Maundy Thursday observance during Holy Week.

Kirton Patronal Festival Sunday 30th June at 11:00am. On this occasion we celebrate our two patron saints St Peter and St Paul at our Sunday Eucharist followed by special food and wine afterwards.

Posted on: Tuesday, the 21st of May, 2019