Weekly Newsletter
Parish Eucharist at 11:00am in SS Peter & Paul Kirton.
Holy Baptism of Charlie Andrew Williams, Jamie Francis Williams and Harvey Stuart Williams at 2:30pm.
The Archdeacons Visitation and Swearing in of Churchwardens here at Kirton Church at 6:00pm. Please come and support your new Churchwardens.
Today we also welcome to pour worship Josh and Margie Lucero Harrison-Smith from California. Margie was Senior Churchwarden with Fr Paul in All Saints, Redding, CA. Please make them very welcome to SS Peter & Paul.
May 7th final joint meeting with the Methodist Church to plan for the Afternoon tea event. 7:00pm in The Methodist Church
May 25th in the Town Hall is our United Churches Afternoon Tea with worship at 3:30pm. Free to all. Helpers needed.
KIRTON PCC meet at The Vicarage on May 31st at 3:00pm. All reports for this meeting to be sent via email to Fr Paul at least one week before the meeting for distribution to the PCC.
Fosdyke PCC meet on May 14th at The Vicarage for 7:30pm.
The Richborough Festival at St Martin’s Cathedral in Leicester is on May 18th. The folk of Fosdyke invite you to join them for this special event of celebration. Coach leaves Kirton at 9-10am. Cost is £15. You will need a packed lunch or find an eatery in Leicester.
Monday May 27th is the National Pilgrimage to Walsingham. 12 noon Concelebrated Mass (Abbey Grounds); 2.30 pm Sermon (Preacher – The Most Hon & Rt Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury), Procession & Benediction (Abbey Grounds); 6.00 pm Solemn Vespers (Shrine Church)

On Sunday May 12th there will be a delegation from the Royal College of Nursing attending the Parish Eucharist at 11:00am and presenting a bouquet of flowers at the Dame Sarah Swift memorial. The RCN delegation will also be reading at our Eucharist that day.
ASCENSION DAY – MAY 30TH There will be a Sung Mass at Kirton at 9-30am. A Said Mass will be offered at Fosdyke at Noon.
June 1st Our next Baptism Preparation session takes place on June 1st at 11:00am in The Vicarage.

Weekly Newsletter
Parish Eucharist at 11:00am in SS Peter & Paul Kirton.
Holy Baptism of Charlie Andrew Williams, Jamie Francis Williams and Harvey Stuart Williams at 2:30pm.
The Archdeacons Visitation and Swearing in of Churchwardens here at Kirton Church at 6:00pm. Please come and support your new Churchwardens.
Today we also welcome to pour worship Josh and Margie Lucero Harrison-Smith from California. Margie was Senior Churchwarden with Fr Paul in All Saints, Redding, CA. Please make them very welcome to SS Peter & Paul.
May 7th final joint meeting with the Methodist Church to plan for the Afternoon tea event. 7:00pm in The Methodist Church
May 25th in the Town Hall is our United Churches Afternoon Tea with worship at 3:30pm. Free to all. Helpers needed.
KIRTON PCC meet at The Vicarage on May 31st at 3:00pm. All reports for this meeting to be sent via email to Fr Paul at least one week before the meeting for distribution to the PCC.
Fosdyke PCC meet on May 14th at The Vicarage for 7:30pm.
The Richborough Festival at St Martin’s Cathedral in Leicester is on May 18th. The folk of Fosdyke invite you to join them for this special event of celebration. Coach leaves Kirton at 9-10am. Cost is £15. You will need a packed lunch or find an eatery in Leicester.
Monday May 27th is the National Pilgrimage to Walsingham. 12 noon Concelebrated Mass (Abbey Grounds); 2.30 pm Sermon (Preacher – The Most Hon & Rt Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury), Procession & Benediction (Abbey Grounds); 6.00 pm Solemn Vespers (Shrine Church)

On Sunday May 12th there will be a delegation from the Royal College of Nursing attending the Parish Eucharist at 11:00am and presenting a bouquet of flowers at the Dame Sarah Swift memorial. The RCN delegation will also be reading at our Eucharist that day.
ASCENSION DAY – MAY 30TH There will be a Sung Mass at Kirton at 9-30am. A Said Mass will be offered at Fosdyke at Noon.
June 1st Our next Baptism Preparation session takes place on June 1st at 11:00am in The Vicarage.

Posted on: Tuesday, the 30th of April, 2019