Weekly Newsletter
Sunday March 3rd is the Sunday next before Lent.
Parish Eucharist at Kirton at 11:00am followed by Coffee.
FAIR TRADE FORTNIGHT 25 February – 10 March 2019. For two weeks each year, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to celebrate the people who grow our food, people who live in some of the poorest countries in the world and who are often exploited and badly paid. Have you tried our Fair Trade Chocolate on sale in Kirton Church after Mass?
ASH WEDNESDAY IS MARCH 6TH. Mass with Imposition of Ashes at All Saints Fosdyke at Noon. Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes in Kirton Church 7:00pm.
The Way of the Cross on March 9th at Kirton and every Saturday of Lent at 10:00am. Our first session will be an ecumenical Way of the Cross led by Rev’d David Curran.

On Fridays from 4-30pm until Evening Prayer at 5pm we shall have Rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in Lent, beginning form March 15th. Please give some extra time to your extra Lenten disciplines.
Parish APM 2019 April 7th APM at Kirton Church after Eucharist 12-15pm and the
Renewal of Electoral Roll –electoral roll forms available Sunday 17th Feb-17th March.
BAND CONCERT March 16th at 7:30pm in Kirton Church. The Kirton Brass Band along with the Boston Salvation Army Band present an amazing concert in Church. Tickets on sale now at £8.

LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER. Have you signed up yet for “God at the Movies” Lent course on Wednesday evenings? Maybe the Book study group is more you? Time still to be arranged depending on how many sign up.
We meet at The Vicarage starting at 6:30pm from March 13th we embark on a cinematic journey to discover where we see God in everyday life events. Topics covered will be suffering, vocation, love, faith, difference and diversity, sexuality and belief. We will watch the movie, then discuss in a group the themes and theological questions raised for us this Lent.
Space is limited! Please sign attendance sheet.
March 13th The movie “Simon Birch”
March 20th The movie “ Shadowlands”
March 27th The movie “Priest”
April 3rd The movie “The one hundred-foot journey”
April 10th The movie “Unfinished Song”
Weekly Newsletter
Sunday March 3rd is the Sunday next before Lent.
Parish Eucharist at Kirton at 11:00am followed by Coffee.
FAIR TRADE FORTNIGHT 25 February – 10 March 2019. For two weeks each year, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to celebrate the people who grow our food, people who live in some of the poorest countries in the world and who are often exploited and badly paid. Have you tried our Fair Trade Chocolate on sale in Kirton Church after Mass?
ASH WEDNESDAY IS MARCH 6TH. Mass with Imposition of Ashes at All Saints Fosdyke at Noon. Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes in Kirton Church 7:00pm.
The Way of the Cross on March 9th at Kirton and every Saturday of Lent at 10:00am. Our first session will be an ecumenical Way of the Cross led by Rev’d David Curran.

On Fridays from 4-30pm until Evening Prayer at 5pm we shall have Rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in Lent, beginning form March 15th. Please give some extra time to your extra Lenten disciplines.
Parish APM 2019 April 7th APM at Kirton Church after Eucharist 12-15pm and the
Renewal of Electoral Roll –electoral roll forms available Sunday 17th Feb-17th March.
BAND CONCERT March 16th at 7:30pm in Kirton Church. The Kirton Brass Band along with the Boston Salvation Army Band present an amazing concert in Church. Tickets on sale now at £8.

LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER. Have you signed up yet for “God at the Movies” Lent course on Wednesday evenings? Maybe the Book study group is more you? Time still to be arranged depending on how many sign up.
We meet at The Vicarage starting at 6:30pm from March 13th we embark on a cinematic journey to discover where we see God in everyday life events. Topics covered will be suffering, vocation, love, faith, difference and diversity, sexuality and belief. We will watch the movie, then discuss in a group the themes and theological questions raised for us this Lent.
Space is limited! Please sign attendance sheet.
March 13th The movie “Simon Birch”
March 20th The movie “ Shadowlands”
March 27th The movie “Priest”
April 3rd The movie “The one hundred-foot journey”
April 10th The movie “Unfinished Song”
Posted on: Tuesday, the 26th of February, 2019