Weekly Newsletter

Sunday 10th of February is the 4th Sunday before Lent.

Sung Eucharist at All Saints in Fosdyke at 9:30am.

Parish Eucharist at Kirton at 11:00am

Holland Deanery Synod at Holy Trinity Church in Boston on February 13th at 7:30pm.

Kirton PCC meet with Kirton Methodist Church Council at The Methodist Church on February 19th at 7:00pm.

Messy Church in Algarkirk Village Hall for a Pre-Lent Pancake Fun afternoon. Session begins at 1-30pm.

Our nest Baptism Preparation Session takes place at The Vicarage on March 2nd at 11:00am.

ASH WEDNESDAY IS MARCH 6TH. Mass with Imposition of Ashes at All Saints Fosdyke at Noon. Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes in Kirton Church 7:00pm.

Please can you bring back to Church your Palm Crosses from last year to be burnt to make the Ashes for this year.

The Way of the Cross begins on March 9th at Kirton Church and every Saturday of Lent at 10:00am.

Group Parish APM’s 2019

March 28th APM at Fosdyke Church 7:00pm

April 7th APM at Kirton Church after Eucharist 12-15pm

April 9th Algarkirk APM ain the Village Hall at 2:00pm

Renewal of Electoral Roll – please see forms at the back of Church for you to enrol on the new Electoral Roll for the parish of Kirton. New electoral roll forms available for completion from Sunday 17th February – Sunday 17th March

Help us Raise funds for Kirton Church every time you spend or buy on line.

Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. Just click on www.easyfundrasing.org.uk/causes/stpeterpaulskirton

BAND CONCERT March 16th at 7:30pm in Kirton Church. The Kirton Brass Band along with the Boston Salvation Army Band present an amazing concert in Church. Tickets on sale now at £8.

LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER. Full information is now available on our web site and in the Churches of our Lent programme and Holy Week services. Please check this out and book the dates in your diary. Please sign the lists if you wish to be involved in the “God at the Movies” course on Wednesday evenings in Lent and if you are interested in the Book study group, time to be arranged.

Weekly Newsletter

Sunday 10th of February is the 4th Sunday before Lent.

Sung Eucharist at All Saints in Fosdyke at 9:30am.

Parish Eucharist at Kirton at 11:00am

Holland Deanery Synod at Holy Trinity Church in Boston on February 13th at 7:30pm.

Kirton PCC meet with Kirton Methodist Church Council at The Methodist Church on February 19th at 7:00pm.

Messy Church in Algarkirk Village Hall for a Pre-Lent Pancake Fun afternoon. Session begins at 1-30pm.

Our nest Baptism Preparation Session takes place at The Vicarage on March 2nd at 11:00am.

ASH WEDNESDAY IS MARCH 6TH. Mass with Imposition of Ashes at All Saints Fosdyke at Noon. Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes in Kirton Church 7:00pm.

Please can you bring back to Church your Palm Crosses from last year to be burnt to make the Ashes for this year.

The Way of the Cross begins on March 9th at Kirton Church and every Saturday of Lent at 10:00am.

Group Parish APM’s 2019

March 28th APM at Fosdyke Church 7:00pm

April 7th APM at Kirton Church after Eucharist 12-15pm

April 9th Algarkirk APM ain the Village Hall at 2:00pm

Renewal of Electoral Roll – please see forms at the back of Church for you to enrol on the new Electoral Roll for the parish of Kirton. New electoral roll forms available for completion from Sunday 17th February – Sunday 17th March

Help us Raise funds for Kirton Church every time you spend or buy on line.

Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. Just click on www.easyfundrasing.org.uk/causes/stpeterpaulskirton

BAND CONCERT March 16th at 7:30pm in Kirton Church. The Kirton Brass Band along with the Boston Salvation Army Band present an amazing concert in Church. Tickets on sale now at £8.

LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER. Full information is now available on our web site and in the Churches of our Lent programme and Holy Week services. Please check this out and book the dates in your diary. Please sign the lists if you wish to be involved in the “God at the Movies” course on Wednesday evenings in Lent and if you are interested in the Book study group, time to be arranged.

Posted on: Tuesday, the 5th of February, 2019

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