Weekly Newsletter
On Sunday December 2nd we begin another journey into the Advent season. This Sunday in the group there will only be one celebration which will be in the Parish Eucharist at 11:00am followed by coffee in SS Peter & Paul in Kirton.
Advent is a season of expectation and preparation, as the Church prepares to celebrate the coming (adventus) of Christ in his incarnation, and also looks ahead to his final advent as judge at the end of time. The readings and liturgies not only direct us towards Christ’s birth, they also challenge the modern reluctance to confront the theme of divine judgement: Every eye shall now behold him robed in dreadful majesty. (Charles Wesley)
December 4th at 7:00pm Kirton Church features the amazing Ukulele Orchestra in a Christmas Concert followed by quality Refreshments. Tickets available from Anna at £8 each.
December 9th in Algarkirk Village Hall – Our annual St Nicholas Festival and Boy Bishop Ceremony at 5pm with Children’s crafts and activities. All are welcome.
December 16th Why not join is at All Saints Church in Fosdyke for a traditional Festival of Lessons and Carols at 6pm followed by light refreshments.
December 18th Kirton Village Carol Sing. Join the Churches for a Village Carol sing – meet at the Methodist Church for 6-30pm. Also on this day we welcome Thomas Middlecott Academy for their Christmas Carols Services at 2:15pm and at 6:30pm.
On Thursday 20th December we welcome Kirton Junior School for their Carol Service at 2:15pm.
December 21st at 7:00pm “The Longest Night” – a very simple but special time of worship and fellowship for all those people who find this festive time of the year stressful and difficult. Why not join us for a time of simple reflection and prayer and fellowship on the longest night of the year.
Christmas Eve December 24th
A Special Family Crib Service at 4:00pm. The Christmas Story told in Chocolate!
The First Mass of Christmas Midnight.
Service begins at 11:30pm.
Christmas Day December 25th
Christmas Day Eucharist for all the family at 10:00am

Weekly Newsletter
On Sunday December 2nd we begin another journey into the Advent season. This Sunday in the group there will only be one celebration which will be in the Parish Eucharist at 11:00am followed by coffee in SS Peter & Paul in Kirton.
Advent is a season of expectation and preparation, as the Church prepares to celebrate the coming (adventus) of Christ in his incarnation, and also looks ahead to his final advent as judge at the end of time. The readings and liturgies not only direct us towards Christ’s birth, they also challenge the modern reluctance to confront the theme of divine judgement: Every eye shall now behold him robed in dreadful majesty. (Charles Wesley)
December 4th at 7:00pm Kirton Church features the amazing Ukulele Orchestra in a Christmas Concert followed by quality Refreshments. Tickets available from Anna at £8 each.
December 9th in Algarkirk Village Hall – Our annual St Nicholas Festival and Boy Bishop Ceremony at 5pm with Children’s crafts and activities. All are welcome.
December 16th Why not join is at All Saints Church in Fosdyke for a traditional Festival of Lessons and Carols at 6pm followed by light refreshments.
December 18th Kirton Village Carol Sing. Join the Churches for a Village Carol sing – meet at the Methodist Church for 6-30pm. Also on this day we welcome Thomas Middlecott Academy for their Christmas Carols Services at 2:15pm and at 6:30pm.
On Thursday 20th December we welcome Kirton Junior School for their Carol Service at 2:15pm.
December 21st at 7:00pm “The Longest Night” – a very simple but special time of worship and fellowship for all those people who find this festive time of the year stressful and difficult. Why not join us for a time of simple reflection and prayer and fellowship on the longest night of the year.
Christmas Eve December 24th
A Special Family Crib Service at 4:00pm. The Christmas Story told in Chocolate!
The First Mass of Christmas Midnight.
Service begins at 11:30pm.
Christmas Day December 25th
Christmas Day Eucharist for all the family at 10:00am

Posted on: Tuesday, the 27th of November, 2018