Weekly Newsletter
On Sunday October 28th we celebrate our Parish Eucharist at 9-30am in Fosdyke Church and at 11:00am in Kirton Parish Church. We commemorate today the feast of SS Simon and Jude, Apostles of Jesus.
ALGARKIRK MESSY CHURCH COMES TO KIRTON today October 28th at 1-30pm. As Algarkirk Church is temporarily closed for restoration, their children’s group will meet here for a special visit to explore Kirton Church with activities ending with Hot Dogs served in the Vicarage. Theme: What is a Church?
All Saints Day – Nov 1st We celebrate Holy Eucharist at 9-30am and we shall keep Sunday 4th November as All Saints Sunday with a Solemn Mass at 11:00am
ALL SOULS REQUIEM MASS – On Friday evening at 7:00pm on November 2nd we will offer our annual Requiem Mass for all those have who departed this life over the last year, but also our own departed loved ones. Names of the departed to be placed on sheets in Church. We invite families bereaved over the last year to join with us for this special and moving service with candle lighting.

Remembrance Sunday – November 11th. On this day we shall offer a said celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8am followed by the Civic Service at 11:00am. This year of course is the 100th Anniversary of the ending of WW1. Please make a special effort to be in Church on this solemn day. We are invited to join with our Methodist friends at the Chapel for a Songs of Praise on this special day at 6pm.
Kirton PCC meet on November 27th at 7:00pm in the Vicarage. Agenda items please to James Warnes our new Hon Secretary. We extend our sincere thanks to Pat Pitts for her many years of service to the PCC and Kirton Church as active member and PCC secretary. We wish Pat and her husband Terry every best wish for their new life in North Yorkshire.
SPECIAL DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! December 4th at 7:00pm Kirton Church features the amazing Ukulele Band in a Christmas Concert followed by quality Refreshments.
December 9th in Algarkirk Village Hall – St Nicholas Festival and Boy Bishop Ceremony at 5pm with Children’s crafts and activities. All are welcome
December 18th Village Carol Sing. Join the Churches for a Village Carol sing – meet at the Methodist Church for 6-30pm.
December 21st at 7:00pm “The Longest Night” – a very simple but special time of worship and fellowship for those who find this time of the year difficult. Why not join us for a time of simple reflection and prayer and fellowship on the longest night of the year.
Weekly Newsletter
On Sunday October 28th we celebrate our Parish Eucharist at 9-30am in Fosdyke Church and at 11:00am in Kirton Parish Church. We commemorate today the feast of SS Simon and Jude, Apostles of Jesus.
ALGARKIRK MESSY CHURCH COMES TO KIRTON today October 28th at 1-30pm. As Algarkirk Church is temporarily closed for restoration, their children’s group will meet here for a special visit to explore Kirton Church with activities ending with Hot Dogs served in the Vicarage. Theme: What is a Church?
All Saints Day – Nov 1st We celebrate Holy Eucharist at 9-30am and we shall keep Sunday 4th November as All Saints Sunday with a Solemn Mass at 11:00am
ALL SOULS REQUIEM MASS – On Friday evening at 7:00pm on November 2nd we will offer our annual Requiem Mass for all those have who departed this life over the last year, but also our own departed loved ones. Names of the departed to be placed on sheets in Church. We invite families bereaved over the last year to join with us for this special and moving service with candle lighting.

Remembrance Sunday – November 11th. On this day we shall offer a said celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8am followed by the Civic Service at 11:00am. This year of course is the 100th Anniversary of the ending of WW1. Please make a special effort to be in Church on this solemn day. We are invited to join with our Methodist friends at the Chapel for a Songs of Praise on this special day at 6pm.
Kirton PCC meet on November 27th at 7:00pm in the Vicarage. Agenda items please to James Warnes our new Hon Secretary. We extend our sincere thanks to Pat Pitts for her many years of service to the PCC and Kirton Church as active member and PCC secretary. We wish Pat and her husband Terry every best wish for their new life in North Yorkshire.
SPECIAL DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! December 4th at 7:00pm Kirton Church features the amazing Ukulele Band in a Christmas Concert followed by quality Refreshments.
December 9th in Algarkirk Village Hall – St Nicholas Festival and Boy Bishop Ceremony at 5pm with Children’s crafts and activities. All are welcome
December 18th Village Carol Sing. Join the Churches for a Village Carol sing – meet at the Methodist Church for 6-30pm.
December 21st at 7:00pm “The Longest Night” – a very simple but special time of worship and fellowship for those who find this time of the year difficult. Why not join us for a time of simple reflection and prayer and fellowship on the longest night of the year.
Posted on: Wednesday, the 24th of October, 2018