Weekly Newsletter

SUNDAY July 28th The Sixth Sunday after Trinity.

Sung Eucharist at All Saints in Fosdyke at 9:30am

Parish Eucharist at Kirton at 11:00am.

Today at 2:30pm we welcome through Holy Baptism into the family of the Church Lettie-Juliette Spencer and Jacy Lyla Gair. Please pray for these children, their parents and God-parents. The Baptism today will be supported by members of the Mothers Union.

Fr Paul and Maggie wish to thank Fr Alan Taylor and the Rev Doreen Brown for their care of the parish and its worship during our holidays. Also, we thank all group Churchwardens for their extra work and care of the parish during this holiday time.

August 3rd at 11:00am is our next Baptism Preparation Session at The Vicarage. All considering a baptism within the next few months are welcome to attend this session.

August 6th is the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Holy Eucharist at 9-30am in Kirton Church.

Fosdyke, All Saints Church is offering a Summer afternoon Choral Evensong on Sunday 11th August in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 3:30pm with Tea. Watch this space!

On Tuesday August 13th we ope. our doors to the Deeping Church Mice Travelling Group for a guided tour of the church and afternoon tea. The group pay for their tea as a fund raiser for us. Can you bake or help? Please see Maggie for details.

August 15th is The feast of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. Thursday morning Eucharist as normal.

Will you join us for a special SONGS OF PRAISE at All Saints in Fosdyke on Sunday September 1st at 3:30pm. This will be Fr Paul’s last service at Fosdyke.

Sunday September 8th will be Fr Paul’s last Sunday with us, and on that day there will be one joint Eucharist for the whole Benefice at Kirton at 11:00am. This will be an opportunity for us collectively to say our farewell.

Everyone from the Kirton Group is invited to Fr Paul’s Induction at Holy Trinity in Ramsgate on October 10th at 7:30pm by The Bishop at Lambeth, The Right Reverend Tim Thornton, The Right Reverend Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough and the Archdeacon of Canterbury, The Venerable Jo Kelly-Moore. Overnight accommodation can be arranged at local hotels or B&B’s. The event begins with a Reception at 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Weekly Newsletter

SUNDAY July 28th The Sixth Sunday after Trinity.

Sung Eucharist at All Saints in Fosdyke at 9:30am

Parish Eucharist at Kirton at 11:00am.

Today at 2:30pm we welcome through Holy Baptism into the family of the Church Lettie-Juliette Spencer and Jacy Lyla Gair. Please pray for these children, their parents and God-parents. The Baptism today will be supported by members of the Mothers Union.

Fr Paul and Maggie wish to thank Fr Alan Taylor and the Rev Doreen Brown for their care of the parish and its worship during our holidays. Also, we thank all group Churchwardens for their extra work and care of the parish during this holiday time.

August 3rd at 11:00am is our next Baptism Preparation Session at The Vicarage. All considering a baptism within the next few months are welcome to attend this session.

August 6th is the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Holy Eucharist at 9-30am in Kirton Church.

Fosdyke, All Saints Church is offering a Summer afternoon Choral Evensong on Sunday 11th August in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 3:30pm with Tea. Watch this space!

On Tuesday August 13th we ope. our doors to the Deeping Church Mice Travelling Group for a guided tour of the church and afternoon tea. The group pay for their tea as a fund raiser for us. Can you bake or help? Please see Maggie for details.

August 15th is The feast of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. Thursday morning Eucharist as normal.

Will you join us for a special SONGS OF PRAISE at All Saints in Fosdyke on Sunday September 1st at 3:30pm. This will be Fr Paul’s last service at Fosdyke.

Sunday September 8th will be Fr Paul’s last Sunday with us, and on that day there will be one joint Eucharist for the whole Benefice at Kirton at 11:00am. This will be an opportunity for us collectively to say our farewell.

Everyone from the Kirton Group is invited to Fr Paul’s Induction at Holy Trinity in Ramsgate on October 10th at 7:30pm by The Bishop at Lambeth, The Right Reverend Tim Thornton, The Right Reverend Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough and the Archdeacon of Canterbury, The Venerable Jo Kelly-Moore. Overnight accommodation can be arranged at local hotels or B&B’s. The event begins with a Reception at 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Posted on: Monday, the 22nd of July, 2019

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