Weekly Newsletter
SUNDAY JUNE 23rd Trinity 1
Holy Eucharist at 9:30am in All Saints Fosdyke.
Parish Eucharist at 11:00am in SS Peter & Paul, Kirton.
Messy Church at Algarkirk Village Hall at 1:30pm. We shall be exploring the Festival of Corpus Christi and the Holy Communion. All children are welcome.
Dear People of the Kirton Group of Parishes,
It is with some deep emotion that I inform you of my resignation as Vicar of Kirton, Algarkirk and Fosdyke. My ministry will come to an end within these parishes at the end of August when I shall move south to take up a new position as Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Ramsgate, Kent.
This news means that we have three months before the move, and I want to assure you all that it will be business as usual until the day we move. I want to thank those people who have shared my vision, supported my ministry among you wholeheartedly, and worked so hard to breathe new life into our parishes and their churches. Fr Paul

Next Sunday we celebrate both Kirton and Algarkirk Patronal Festival – the Feast of SS Peter & Paul. There will be a joint service for all the group to come together on Sunday 30th June at 11:00am. On this occasion we celebrate our two patron saints St Peter and St Paul at our Sunday Eucharist followed by special food and wine afterwards.
St. Peter, originally known as Simon, was a fisherman by trade. Jesus called Peter, along with his brother Andrew, James, and John, to leave everything behind to become His followers. Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men”(Matthew 4:19).
It is because of Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus as Messiah that Jesus gave him the nickname of “rock” and stated that it was upon the rock of Peter’s faith that the Church would rise (Matthew 16:18). All the Gospel writers list Peter first when naming the apostles of Jesus. Time and again in the Gospels, however, Peter demonstrates that his faith is imperfect, but growing. St. Peter can show us how difficult discipleship can truly be, but he is also an example of the Lord choosing the weak and making them strong in bearing witness to Him. Peter was martyred (crucified upside down on a cross) for the Faith in the year 64 in Rome.
St. Paul’s background and journey of faith is somewhat different from St. Peter’s. Paul, who was originally known as Saul, was an educated Jew and a member of the Pharisee party, as well as being a Roman citizen. He first appears in the pages of Scripture in Acts 7:58, as being present at the martyrdom of St. Stephen, the first of Jesus’ followers to be put to death because of his faith in Jesus. Saul persecuted the Christians savagely, but was dramatically converted to the very One he had been persecuting after seeing Jesus in a vision (Acts 9:4). From that time on, Saul, who was now known as Paul, poured the same energy with which he persecuted Christ’s followers into bringing the Gospel of Jesus to many people.
Paul travelled around most of what was the Roman Empire, establishing Christian communities. His many letters form the bulk of the writings of the New Testament. Paul was also martyred in Rome, three years after St. Peter, in the year 67 AD, by being beheaded (His Roman citizenship would not permit his being crucified).

Weekly Newsletter
SUNDAY JUNE 23rd Trinity 1
Holy Eucharist at 9:30am in All Saints Fosdyke.
Parish Eucharist at 11:00am in SS Peter & Paul, Kirton.
Messy Church at Algarkirk Village Hall at 1:30pm. We shall be exploring the Festival of Corpus Christi and the Holy Communion. All children are welcome.
Dear People of the Kirton Group of Parishes,
It is with some deep emotion that I inform you of my resignation as Vicar of Kirton, Algarkirk and Fosdyke. My ministry will come to an end within these parishes at the end of August when I shall move south to take up a new position as Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Ramsgate, Kent.
This news means that we have three months before the move, and I want to assure you all that it will be business as usual until the day we move. I want to thank those people who have shared my vision, supported my ministry among you wholeheartedly, and worked so hard to breathe new life into our parishes and their churches. Fr Paul

Next Sunday we celebrate both Kirton and Algarkirk Patronal Festival – the Feast of SS Peter & Paul. There will be a joint service for all the group to come together on Sunday 30th June at 11:00am. On this occasion we celebrate our two patron saints St Peter and St Paul at our Sunday Eucharist followed by special food and wine afterwards.
St. Peter, originally known as Simon, was a fisherman by trade. Jesus called Peter, along with his brother Andrew, James, and John, to leave everything behind to become His followers. Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men”(Matthew 4:19).
It is because of Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus as Messiah that Jesus gave him the nickname of “rock” and stated that it was upon the rock of Peter’s faith that the Church would rise (Matthew 16:18). All the Gospel writers list Peter first when naming the apostles of Jesus. Time and again in the Gospels, however, Peter demonstrates that his faith is imperfect, but growing. St. Peter can show us how difficult discipleship can truly be, but he is also an example of the Lord choosing the weak and making them strong in bearing witness to Him. Peter was martyred (crucified upside down on a cross) for the Faith in the year 64 in Rome.
St. Paul’s background and journey of faith is somewhat different from St. Peter’s. Paul, who was originally known as Saul, was an educated Jew and a member of the Pharisee party, as well as being a Roman citizen. He first appears in the pages of Scripture in Acts 7:58, as being present at the martyrdom of St. Stephen, the first of Jesus’ followers to be put to death because of his faith in Jesus. Saul persecuted the Christians savagely, but was dramatically converted to the very One he had been persecuting after seeing Jesus in a vision (Acts 9:4). From that time on, Saul, who was now known as Paul, poured the same energy with which he persecuted Christ’s followers into bringing the Gospel of Jesus to many people.
Paul travelled around most of what was the Roman Empire, establishing Christian communities. His many letters form the bulk of the writings of the New Testament. Paul was also martyred in Rome, three years after St. Peter, in the year 67 AD, by being beheaded (His Roman citizenship would not permit his being crucified).

Posted on: Monday, the 17th of June, 2019